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Thanks to the success of the third edition, the Eindhoven Maker Faire  will expand to a new location: the Klokgebouw in Strijp-S. Here, the two day festival will bring the public together with more than 200 national and international makers who are working on the latest creative and technological developments.


Enkele weken geleden hebben ze de officiële licentie van ‘Featured Maker Faire’ gekregen, waardoor ze nu onderdeel uitmaken van de wereldwijde Maker Movement en niet langer meer een Mini Maker Faire zijn. “We worden hierdoor groter en volwassener. Door de beperkte omvang voorheen was het lastiger om de diversiteit die er vanuit de faire is ook goed aan het licht te brengen. We hebben groeien altijd als ambitie gehad en we hebben laten zien dat we daartoe in staat zijn”, vertelt René Paré, directeur Eindhoven Maker Faire.

Volgens Paré mag Eindhoven trots zijn op de komst van deze eerste nationale, volwaardige Maker Faire. “Het is voor de stad echt een viering voor het creatieve maken wat in de genen van de samenleving zit. Heel vroeger waren er hier al textiel- en sigaren huisnijverheid, daardoor zijn hier ook fabrieken gekomen die mensen te werk stelden die goed met hun handen kon werken. Dat is zodanig verweven in het ecosysteem dat je nu ook ziet dat er een nieuwe economie ontstaat die lokaler en kleinschaliger is georiënteerd, waardoor de maakcultuur meer gaat groeien. Dus we gaan het zelf maken in plaats van inkopen.” Daarbij is Paré van mening dat de techniek en kennis ook toegankelijk moet zijn voor alle mensen en daarbij is het delen en presenteren van technologie van belang. “Technologie moet transparant en controleerbaar zijn. Het moet niet zomaar van een licentiehouder zijn, maar je moet de techniek zelf kunnen veranderen, beheersen en controleren.”

“I find it pleasing and important to inspire people to become active and creative and to develop themselves in an enjoyable way.”René Paré, Director Eindhoven Maker Faire

A few weeks ago they received the official license of the ‘Featured maker Faire’, making them a part of the worldwide Maker Movement and no longer a Mini Maker Faire. “Because of this we are bigger and more mature. Due to the previous limitations in size, it was more difficult to highlight the diversity of the faire. We have always grown as our ambitions had and we have shown that we are capable of doing that”, says René Paré, director of Eindhoven Maker Faire.

According to Paré, Eindhoven should be proud of the arrival of its first national, fully-fledged Maker Faire. “It is, for the city, a real celebration of the creativity that runs through the genes of society.

Previously, the local industry was textiles and cigars, which meant there were also factories here which helped people to work well with their hands. That is so intertwined with the ecosystem that you now also see the creation of a new, local, small-scale economy where the maker-culture will grow further. So we are going to make it ourselves rather than buy it.” In addition, Paré believes that technology and knowledge should be accessible to everyone, and therefore sharing and presenting technology is important. “Technology must be transparent and verifiable. It should not just belong to the license holder, but you must be able to change, control and correct technology yourself.


The previous editions took place in the VDMA building, but this became too small for this scope. “The Klokgebouw is the ideal place in Eindhoven to organize a large-scale event. Here we can make use of the different halls, and place stands both inside and outside. The quality, accessibility and familiarity are all advantages of this location.” The common thread of this year’s festival is that there are creators who develop products themselves and want to share their enthusiasm of their products, materials or technology with the public and with each other. Nothing is excluded, says Paré: “From craft to high tech, from hobby to professional, and from rocket science to kitchen table technology. All aspects come to pass.” This year, alongside the national makers, there will also be creators from places such as England, Germany, France, and Belgium.


By sharing this knowledge with each other, the organizers hope to make visitors enthusiastic and curious. “We have the slogan, ‘people come in as visitors and leave as makers.’ We want them to try things for themselves, not only at the Maker Faire, but also at home with construction sets. “You see that makers often work in isolation. We want them to come into contact with other makers via this route. This creates new networks which can strengthen each other.”

Paré has always been interested, from a creative side, in industry and technology. “Because of my interest, I went to the Design Academy where I learned, as a generalist, to think about using technology for people. From this design perspective, I organize different events where we actually bring the left and right brains of society together. I find it pleasing and important to inspire people to become active and creative and to develop themselves in an enjoyable way.” Paré would like to convey this dream to the visitors. “When people believe in it, that dream becomes reality.”

The Maker Faire is an annual event and will take place this year on 2 and 3 September. Makers who would like to showcase their projects during the festival can register to do so until 30 June.